Lo-Fi Room

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All fans of musical games can now enjoy new exciting entertainment – Lo-Fi Room! It is a new adventure where you will find a lot of music and rhythm. It is very simple and combines two activities – you need to carefully study the screen to find the hidden objects and at the same time, you will be creating new music. It is really something interesting if you love projects with notes and rhythm. So do not miss a chance to test it!

How to compose new music?

Each level will encourage you to find several instruments and then play the rhythm. After you complete a rhythm game for a particular instrument, it will be added to the song playing in the background. You should continue looking for more instruments, and they will be also added to the track. This way, you will be creating beats. This activity is very engaging, as every time, you will come up with a new tune for the main character. So do not lose any more time and start experimenting right now. You will love it!

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